NGO is a Non-Governmental Organization which can be formed by an assemblage of private individuals, registered under the Society Registration Act of 1860 and recognized by government for carrying out some of the roles or allotted work on behalf of government. This is a very exceptional and informal kind of arrangement made by the government where the government gives the help, support and authority to a private organization to implement some of the work of the government in support of it.
We can therefore say that a NGO is a body carrying out certain duties of the government which might or might not be sponsored by the government. The activities of the NGOs are chiefly welfare activities which might be of numerous categories. In some circumstances, the activities allocated to the NGO are also administrative. The NGO is extensively used for the registered trusts and societies in India which implement such work. These days, people opt for foreign funding for Indian NGO also via platforms like Fdi.Finance.
The management of NGO is mostly in the hands of the individuals who have formed it according to the laws and rules prescribed by the government. Since maximum of the NGOs are run on government donated capitals, some measures to guarantee the apt expenditure of the funds given by the government are taken at the management level.
Government also pursues the audit of the funds and the way in which the funds have been expended. This all is done in a translucent manner which offers lots of operational liberty to the NGO to function and accomplish its objectives. In maximum of such cases, there is a provision in the laws that all the income, earning, movable and immovable properties of the NGO shall be exclusively used and applied in the promotion of its objectives and goals as set for in the memorandum of association.
No profit on there of shall be paid or transferred directly by way of dividends, bonus, profits or in any method of any kind to the present or future associates of the society or any individual, via any one or more of the present of the future affiliates. No member of the society shall have any private claim on any movable or fixed properties of the society by advantage of this membership.
About Fdi.Finance
FDI.Finance is an investment-facilitating agency that is basically a reference platform that matches investors with investment openings in India.